Monday, September 16, 2013


One of the great things about returning to the high school library is all the great books available to read. I have already read several books over the last few weeks: Wonder, Divergent, and Just One Day, to name a few. To find out what else I've been reading, and my thoughts about each book, be sure to check out my Shelfari (see the widget on the right). And please, make recommendations as I am always looking for something new to read! 

Thursday, September 5, 2013

WELCOME TO 2013-2014

Welcome back Warriors! I am excited to be joining you this year for many reasons. I started my career as an 8th grade ELA teacher in a district outside Houston. After starting my Masters at TWU, I went on to become a librarian at Hightower High School in the same district. Due to my husband's job transfer, we made the move to Austin in 2011 and I started in RRISD as Berkman Elementary's new librarian. I spent two years at the elementary level, and while there are things I will miss about Berkman, I am ecstatic to be back at the secondary level, especially at Westwood. Thank you for being so welcoming. 

A little about myself; I am married and have a first grader at Spicewood ES. I have lived in many places in my lifetime: Missouri, Florida, Indiana, Illinois, California and Germany. I attended 4 elementary schools, 2 middle schools, and 3 high schools. I have enjoyed moving around and discovering new places. We are finding Austin to be a great place to live as there is a ton to do around town. 

  No surprise, but I love to read. Always have, and I imagine I always will. One of my favorite books of all time is The Giver by Lois Lowry. If you have not read it, you should do so. In a seemingly Utopian society where there are no societal issues like hunger, pain, homelessness, and poverty to cause chaos, Jonas, the new Receiver, discovers that maybe by making life "perfect", his community has made life not worth living. 

Divergent (book) by Veronica Roth US Hardcover 2011.jpg  I am currently reading Divergent by Veronica Roth. I had been told it is similar to The Hunger Games series, which I enjoyed, but that it was better. While I have yet to finish the first book, I am beginning to agree. Tris, like Jonas in the Giver and Katniss in The Hunger Games, is the "different" one in a dystopia. Her character is strong yet weak at the same time. She has joined the Dauntless faction, almost the opposite of her childhood faction, the Abnegation, which were a selfless community. So far, she is in the initiation stage which has been terrifying and exhilarating at once. This one is definitely a page turner!