Tuesday, December 9, 2014

New Arrivals in the Library

Here are our latest arrivals. I think we have added quite a few interesting books to our collection. Many of them are definitely on my "must read" list. Now, just to find the time to read them all.

Notes to the Future: Words of Wisdom contains over 300 quotes of Nelson Mandela's collected from public speeches as well as his personal papers.

The innovators : how a group of hackers, geniuses, and geeks created the digital revolution provides insight into the thinking of those who have created the digital world we live in today.

Ada's algorithm : how Lord Byron's daughter Ada Lovelace launched the digital age tells the overlooked story of how the computer age could have started over 200 years ago, if only they had been willing to pay attention to a woman. 

Among the truthers : a journey through America's growing conspiracist underground takes a look at how social media is a breeding ground for new conspiracists.

Check out the e-library for more information about each book.

Monday, December 8, 2014


TEDxYouth@AustinI have registered (or rather applied for an invitation) to the TEDxYouth@Austin event to be held at Westlake HS on February 14th, 2015. I'm really excited and hope to receive the invite. If you would like to join me, and I don't me literally, you don't have to even say hi, although you could, click the link above to register yourself. If you have no idea what a TED event even is, check out TEDtalks. They are amazing and inspirational and funny and sincere and addicting. Here are two of my favorites, I am an educator after all: How Schools Kill Creativity and Kids Can Teach Themselves. The talks are no more than 20 minutes in length and cover just about any topic you can conceive. Have fun and enjoy yourself. Hope to see some of you there!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Where has the time gone?

Time keeps on ticking...into the future. That is how I feel as I realized we have entered November and this semester is just weeks from being over.

I wanted to share a few things that will hopefully be enticing for you:

We have added a database of free TX DMV permit practice test for you. Yep, I said FREE. Just visit the Library page for access. That's it. No tricks. No passwords. Just click your way in. 

We also have International Game Day coming up in a few weeks. Friday, November 14th. Be sure to stop by the library to play a game or two. We even hope to have the XBox up and running in the Great Room during all three lunches. We will also have Scrabble, Trivial Pursuit, Checkers, Chess, Uno, puzzles, and much more. 

And finally, here are some of our new books:

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Whoa! Welcome to 2014-2015

We are three weeks into the new school year, and it has been a whirlwind in here. One really positive observance is that you guys are checking out books like crazy. We aren't sure why, but please, keep stopping by to check out those books. Most of our new titles have been checked out already, but keep an eye out as we have several orders in the works and many new books coming this way soon. And don't forget to check out the fabulous displays by our own Mrs. Roberts. We have "Reading Now," a display of books that have been turned in to recent movies, the Hispanic Heritage Month display showcasing books about, by, and celebrating Hispanic Americans, and finally we have the Banned Books display bringing awareness about books that have been challenged in this country over the last year. Lots of interesting material out there for you.

Also, check out the window on the Patio. It is a work in process, but we are asking you to participate in voting for your favorites books from last year. Take a look around the library and look for the "Vote for Me!" labels to read some of last years best titles.

Sorry there are no pictures this time, but I promise to bring the images next time.

Hope you've had a great start to a new year!
Mrs. Day

Monday, May 12, 2014

21 Days and Counting

We are down to just 21 days left of the school year. My first year at Westwood has flown by. I am looking forward to the Summer break but am also excited for next year. The awesome library staff here, Ms. Woolsey, Mrs. Roberts and myself have been busily working to take this library to the next level in our climb to become a go to example of a 21st Century library. Some of the coming changes include a new, more interactive, website with features such as an online help desk. Students can also now text their questions to us using Google Voice @ 512-910-5779. Although we are not available 24/7, we do still sleep and have fun, but we will be that more accessible. And there is still more to come. We are excited to unveil all the ways we are here to be of services to our students and fellow staff members. Keep checking back to see what else is new at WHSLib.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


"Google Summer of Code is a global program that offers students stipends to write code for open source projects. We have worked with the open source community to identify and fund exciting projects for the upcoming summer."

Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Students, plan ahead! The library will be closed to students for most of the month of May due to IB and AP testing. 

We will have a COW set up on the Patio for students who need them for school related work. Sorry, but computers will not be made available for general use. You MUST have your STUDENT ID to check out a laptop. 

Students will also be able to check out fiction books via the Patio. Use the laptop to access the online catalog to locate your book and one of our student aides will grab it for you. Non-fiction books will be mostly inaccessible during this time. Remember, you have access to a ton of e-books and audio books that can be accessed anytime, anywhere!

Teachers may still schedule classes in the library with the understanding that students must remain silent- no talking. While the Great Room will be closed, you may schedule time in Lib 12 or Lib 30. 

Thursday, April 17, 2014


Read from your computer or 
download to you phone or tablet! 
See a librarian for details.

Thursday, April 3, 2014


If you haven't gotten BINGO yet, all cards are due Friday by 4:30. Winners will be announced and contacted by Tuesday afternoon of next week. Prom Tickets, $300 in gift cards, and 20 ear buds to be awarded!

Friday, March 28, 2014


As of this afternoon, we have been able to score a partnership with MakerSquareand the Hatch Academy for #warriorcode! We are so excited to be able to bring this opportunity to the students of Westwood who want to learn more about computer programming/coding. 

It is not too late to still sign up! Use the button to the right to get to the entry form. 

See you Monday!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014



The library currently has three apps that can be downloaded to your phone or tablet:

     *Gale's ASL My School app for           access to Gale e-books and    
      databases. See login sheet  or
      App Cheatsheet for

    * Follettshelf's Enlight app for               access to over 1600 e-books. 
      See login sheet or 
      App Cheatsheet for password.         You may also see a librarian to
      create a personal account

    * Catalist app for access to audio
      books. See login sheet or
      App Cheatsheet for password.           No personal accounts 
      available at this time, but they
      can be downloaded to your
      phone for 3 weeks at a time.


DIY contests can be fun. They allow your creative side to come out to play. Here are just a few DIY contests you can enter. By no means are you restricted to these. And please, if you find a cool one, let us know.

*Make it WearableIntel supports this revolution in wearable tech and the creators fueling it. As part of their Make It Wearable challenge, starting February 24th Intel will be collecting submissions to help promote and explore the next big ideas in the field. Watch the video for more info. 

*Google Science Fair
Google Science Fair is a global online competition open to students from 13 to 18 years old. What do you want to change?

*The Fountainhead Essay Contest
Eligibility: 11th and 12th Graders
Entry Deadline: April 26, 2014

Submissions are due by April 28, 2014. Ages 14-19

*Sony World Photography Contest
Entry Close:11/01/2014, Ages 19 and under

*#ItsBetterToBeATuesdayVideo Contest 
Open to all ages, due May 1st

*Student Competitions
 Search for tons of student contests

Monday, March 17, 2014


Bingo? Check. #warriorcode? Check. Prizes? Check!! We are almost ready, so spread the word. Brush up on some of your tech skills and open your mind to the possibilities. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


The WHS library and ITS staff are busy planning a fun and exciting week of tech related tasks for you to complete and compete for fun prizes. Check back for more information to see how you can participate and earn gift cards to some favorite local eateries, Amazon, I-Tunes and more. We are so excited to get this party started. Stay tuned!