Monday, May 12, 2014

21 Days and Counting

We are down to just 21 days left of the school year. My first year at Westwood has flown by. I am looking forward to the Summer break but am also excited for next year. The awesome library staff here, Ms. Woolsey, Mrs. Roberts and myself have been busily working to take this library to the next level in our climb to become a go to example of a 21st Century library. Some of the coming changes include a new, more interactive, website with features such as an online help desk. Students can also now text their questions to us using Google Voice @ 512-910-5779. Although we are not available 24/7, we do still sleep and have fun, but we will be that more accessible. And there is still more to come. We are excited to unveil all the ways we are here to be of services to our students and fellow staff members. Keep checking back to see what else is new at WHSLib.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


"Google Summer of Code is a global program that offers students stipends to write code for open source projects. We have worked with the open source community to identify and fund exciting projects for the upcoming summer."