Monday, November 3, 2014

Where has the time gone?

Time keeps on ticking...into the future. That is how I feel as I realized we have entered November and this semester is just weeks from being over.

I wanted to share a few things that will hopefully be enticing for you:

We have added a database of free TX DMV permit practice test for you. Yep, I said FREE. Just visit the Library page for access. That's it. No tricks. No passwords. Just click your way in. 

We also have International Game Day coming up in a few weeks. Friday, November 14th. Be sure to stop by the library to play a game or two. We even hope to have the XBox up and running in the Great Room during all three lunches. We will also have Scrabble, Trivial Pursuit, Checkers, Chess, Uno, puzzles, and much more. 

And finally, here are some of our new books: