Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Every year, the last week of September (although we are celebrating the first week of October here at Westwood), libraries and book stores across the country celebrate (really acknowledge) banned and challenged books. The purpose is not to say, "Hey this was banned, so you should read it to show the man," but more to spark conversations about censorship and free speech. 
I read a quote recently from Clare Boothe Luce, a former congresswoman and author, that sums up my personal beliefs about censorship, "Censorship, like charity, should begin at home, but, unlike charity, it should end there." I, of course, censor what I read and what my child reads, but I do not think I have a right to tell someone else what they should not read, nor do I think they have the right to tell me or my son what we cannot read. We do not all hold the same beliefs and values. Besides, if we never read anything outside our own value system, how are we to grow in those beliefs? 

Personally, all banning or challenging books does is bring to my attention books that I should read. I have already added several new titles to my "plan to read" list that I came across after reading about banned and challenged books this week. 

Come by the library, picked up a "banned" book and form your own opinion. Grow, learn, challenge, contemplate, expand your worldly views. Read!

To learn more, please read more at the ALA's (American Library Association) Banned Book website.

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