Friday, October 18, 2013


College Info Geek seems to be a great blog for tips and tricks for making it through college academically, socially, financially, and all with your integrity intact. 

The first entry I read, which I think many of you would appreciate as well, is "42 Tips I Learned Freshman Year."

My top 5:
  1. Be confidentget out of your comfort zone, and try new things. College is the greatest opportunity you’ll ever have for personal development.
  2. Find out when you can register for classes and do right at that moment. You’ll thank yourself later when your friends are having to do an extra semester because they couldn’t get into a required class.
  3. Flip-flops in the bathroom. No exceptions.
  4. Realize that you are an adult now; just because you don’t have to go to work for eight hours a day doesn’t mean you shouldn’t act like it. Be professional.
  5. Live in the campus residence halls your first year if you can. Residence halls aremuch, much more social than apartments, and you’ll be involved in a lot more cool things.

Which do you think are the most important or helpful to you? 

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